Wheelbarrows Ahoy!

Wheelbarrows Ahoy!

Sixty decorated barrows in Barrow.  Children and adults showing their customary ingenuity, care and humour.  The theme, in keeping with D Day was anything beginning with D though the theme is never mandatory. Here are some dolphins… The W I decided to go with...
Tropical Lincolnshire

Tropical Lincolnshire

Who’d expect the lushness of this garden in Lincolnshire? It just shows how a microclimate can be created in which these beauties not only survive and grow, but flourish. Some will be brought in during the winter but many are surprisingly hardy.  The sun shone...
Barrow’s barrows

Barrow’s barrows

The 12th Annual Wheelbarrow Weekend just went by. My entry doesn’t much like a barrow but it is one – or, at least, the remains of one. After the bottom rusted away all I was left with was a skeleton – and here he is with a few lotions and potions to...
Son of the Secret Gardener

Son of the Secret Gardener

Not surprisingly, getting Son of the Secret Gardener out into the world has occupied a lot of my time over the last couple of months. My PR person, Elly Donovan, has been fantastic and as a result I’ve done a lot of local radio interviews and got coverage in all...
Gardens, gardens, gardens…

Gardens, gardens, gardens…

It’s been a good summer for gardens so far, notwithstanding a couple of periods of very heavy rain and some unwelcome winds. The photo above was taken at Helmsley Walled Garden: always a joy to visit but particularly resplendent in July. The cafe is very good...

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