BETT techno-bling

BETT techno-bling

This is a far cry from some of my posts – the BETT Show at Olympia last week where hundreds of companies strut their technological stuff to punters from the education world – many of them from overseas.  Friend and colleague Tom Rank and I were there to...
Market Place Concert

Market Place Concert

How lovely to see the Market Place in use and full of people having some festive fun!  Young and old (and in between) were there to listen to Barrow Band, sip some mulled wine or hot broth and appreciate some fancy costumes. Many thanks to the newly formed Barrow...
Donna Nook Seals

Donna Nook Seals

It was a bright, sharp day out at Donna Nook, where the seals were scattered along the shoreline in their dozens. A day or two earlier, a particularly high tide had disturbed the colony and visitors were discouraged. However, things were back to normal on Saturday and...
S S Great Britain

S S Great Britain

Magnificently restored, the SS Great Britain now sits in Bristol dock looking as if she’s ready to sail. She’s an early example of a hybrid mode of transport: able to use both sail and coal-fired steam engine which powered a mighty propellor (or screw, for...
Washington DC

Washington DC

There’s a huge swathe of Washington, centred around the Mall (not, for once a shopping mall) dedicated to memorials and monuments. The Washington Monument is a massive stone spire towering over the skyline and apparently the world’s tallest stone...
Foamhenge, Virginia

Foamhenge, Virginia

From a distance you could believe it’s real. It’s a styrofoam replica of Stonehenge created by artist and entertainer Mark Cline, erected ready for April Fool’s Day 2004.  It was a pleasant relief from the tourist hot-spot down the road at Natural...

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