Mouse & Muse Blog

by Trevor Millum

An occasional series which I hope is of interest to friends and family.  Feedback always welcome.

Finding the Foundry

Finding the Foundry

The day started ominously when we discovered that trains to Doncaster were cancelled because of flooding. Sylv had to drive me to Doncaster where I caught my train with 3 minutes to spare.  However, the rest of the day went well. In London I met Lily, the stonemason...

Nova Scotia revisited

Nova Scotia revisited

A happy return to Nova Scotia and Digby in particular. Pete and Pearl as hospitable as ever; Digby hardly changed - except they have a roundabout! Cause of much comment and serious reservations in the town... The new member of the family is Dylan (after Bob or Thomas...

Westward Ho

Westward Ho

There are enough pictures of pretty bays and beaches but you can never have too many gardens. So here is Diffryn Fernant, near Fishguard. Go see it, says Monty Don, so we did and he's right. It ranges from the cottage and kitchen garden areas near the house through...

Wheelbarrows and Gardens 2019

Wheelbarrows and Gardens 2019

The lengthy preparations paid off - another great weekend. The weather was dodgy but managed to stay clear enough for folk to wander the streets until half way through the Sunday afternoon which saw a heavy shower forcing Barrow Band to scamper for cover. The picture...

A Throw of the Dice: Five go to Derbyshire

A Throw of the Dice: Five go to Derbyshire

A throw of the dice, metaphorically, was what brought us to Earl Sterndale, deep in the Peak District. A few days with friends, what could be nicer? The dice were part of exhibits in the museum room at Haddon Hall - found behind the panelling in 1909. Haddon is one of...

South Asia in East Anglia

South Asia in East Anglia

One of many intriguing carvings in the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts at UEA in Norwich. Here's another, looking very bemused by it all. The exhibits are eclectic, to say the least: from the Pacific, the Americas and Japan - interspersed with modern artworks, making...

Winter Break

Winter Break

Off to somewhere warm and exotic? No, not at all.  Lovely North Wales and Conwy in particular. A castle, a walled town and views over the water from the chaise long in the bedroom while sipping a glass of something...  And only four hours away.  We couldn't resist...

Raising a Glass

Raising a Glass

Well, many a glass was raised over the festive fortnight, though perhaps not as many as in younger days.  A whole Saturnalia without a hangover!  What is happening?  Good to see so many friends and relatives. Now, thanks to Dilys and John for the wine tokens, we can...

Not What You’d Expect

Not What You’d Expect

The fruit on many years happy sonnet writing.  As the intro says, "The sonnet is an ever popular verse form which has come to be associated – not surprisingly given Shakespeare’s contributions - with the poetry of love. In that case, this collection is, perhaps, not...

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Autumn has been gentle this year.  The acer hung on to its leaves for a long time until over a couple of days they all came down and covered this part of the garden like snow - in that you can't tell path from flower bed.  The aspen then added its multicoloured leaves...

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